
Our club has aided many worthwhile causes like Water Wells in Africa, Christmas parcels to the needy in Brent and Collecting of spectacle frames that were donated to Lions clubs in Sri Lanka and Tanzania. The Club has donated to Brent PHAB club, Brent Alcohol Counselling Service, Sudbury Neighbourhood Centre and London Borough of Brent Mayor's Appeals. The club also carried out numerous Diabetic screenings.

 · On an annual basis, the club has always supported many international projects through LCIF, Medic Alert, Sight First Campaign, Youth Awards and Youth Camps. The club has also participated in the various zone and region projects like Orissa Cyclone Appeal, Turkish Earthquake Appeal, Gujarat Drought Appeal, Gujarat Earthquake Appeal and Street Children Programme.

 · On a more recent note, Wembley Lions Club was a founder partner with the London Borough of Brent in organising the Diwali procession and the fireworks display in Brent which is amongst the largest such event in the UK today.

 · Our latest project in January 2004 was Eye Camps in Bhuj. Two club members attend these camps and returned with amazing facts.

 · Over 1300 people were screened.

 · In excess of 130 cataract operations were performed.

 · Two children aged 0ne year and seven years had their eyesight restored by removal of cataracts from both eyes? All our efforts were generously paid back by seeing these two youngsters whose lives we were able to improve.

We continue to serve the local, National and International communities to the best of our abilities.